U-Beaut Sanding Sealer 500ml
Traditional sanding sealer, Not grain filler.
Used for
- Knife Handles and other wooden products
- Raises the grain on timber to be easily sanded down and polished
- Provides a smoother more consistent finish after polishing.
- Apply a damp, even coating using a clean rag or cloth across the entire surface
- Allow to dry (This could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour or more, depending on weather conditions, timber type and how much you apply.)
- Once dry sand with one grade of fine abrasive paper. (600 – 800 grit or finer if desired) Sand lightly with the grain. Stop sanding when the nap is removed and the surface feels silky smooth. If the paper clogs immediately with the sealer, leave it to dry a little longer.
Material Safety Data Sheet - Available here